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St. Vincent Summer Camp '24

Our Summer Camp 2024 (August 2024)

We thank VSPCA for displaying our association’s name and logo on the Summer Camp flyers: „Sponsored by the Association for Aid and Support of Creole Dogs Germany“

The children thank our president for sponsoring the summer camp – and we thank out donators who have made this possible!

August 5th was a rainy day…

But the dogs were already waiting for their visitors!

Inside all materials for the coming lessons,…

…here the classroom and the kitchen. The summer camp won’t be only fun and games but also lessons in Humane Education.

The next day the weather was fine and the summer camp could finally start!

The children met the dogs…

…and each one of them chose his favorite…

…to take care off during the whole time of the camp.

They write their dog’s name on leashes and collars.

So they know which one to put on their dog when they go for walks.

The first lesson…

During the first lesson the children discussed the rules that will have to be followed during the summer camp.

The lesson plan for the first day…

After the children had taken down the summer camp rules VSPCA’s president Jhanice Nelson introduced the summer camp team:

The teachers Andreanna St. Luce and Daniela Hackshaw, the volunteers Joleen and Siamara and Jean, member of the VSPCA since many years.

Then it’s time to feed the dogs. Everything is already waiting…

Every child prepares the food for its dog. This girl has chosen Wendy and Wendy gets a cup of rice, a cup of dried dogfood, a spoon of chicken and a cup of sauce. The little boy at her side watches closely…

He will be the next to prepare food for his dog.

Joleen is always ready to help the kids.

The children are very attentive and the grown ups take care that each dog gets the right amount.

Every child has a full bowl now…

…and goes to feed their dog.

During feeding time the children stay with their animals.

Afterwards they return to the kitchen to wash the bowls.

Then it’s time for a break,…

…a snack and a drink.

The next morning they discussed what they had learnt the day before.

Jhanice said that the children had really good ideas about leadership and that they will be role models when they return to school in September.

The 5 freedoms for animals were on the lesson plan for the following weeks.

These are the topics Jhanice Nelson teaches also in schools.

Subject of the first lesson om Monday.

The children were asked what would happen to them if they didn’t eat and drink. They had a lot of answers including various diseases and death. They learnt that the same things happen to dogs when they don’t have food or water.

On Tuesday the children talked about what they had learnt the day before. The smallest were still a bit timid to speak into the microphone…

That changed quickly when they started singing together.

Wednesday’s lesson plan.

It is still very common in the Caribbean to keep dogs tied with much too short chains or locked up in tiny cages. The teachers had prepared a cardboard box…

…and every child had to sit in it for a while.

Crouching in the much too small box…

…they experienced the situation of dogs being locked up.

Asked if they could imagine to sleep like this they answered vehemently with „No!“

All kids felt very uncomfortable in this box and were glad to get out of fit. Now they have an idea how dogs feel like being locked up for life and they learnt that animals suffer in the same way as people do.

Afterwards they wrote down what can be done to make an animal feel comfortable.

They had many ideas and showed how much they have already learnt during these few past days.

In the afternoon it was time…

…to take the dogs for a long walk…

…that ended at the beach.

Every child led the dog it was in charge of during the summer camp.

The dogs loved it!

According to them the summer camp could last forever!

Back at the VSPCA headquarters 3 abandoned puppies had arrived in the meantime…

…and the children took care of them.

Thursday’s topic.

During the lesson it was emphasized again that animals feel and suffer in the same way humans do.

And they learned how important prevention is.

Jhanice had brought photos and medicine.

The children learned about the most common parasites and the diseases they cause…

Mithilfe der Fotos lernen die Kinder etwas über:

…as well as how to put on dressings…

…take temperature…

…and recognize mange…

…and how to treat it.

In the afternoon they played, some with the puppies, others with a ball.

On Friday some kids were missing so instead of having a lesson they visited a pet shop.

It was quite an amazing experience for the children to see all the different things sold for animals.

Leashes and collars…

…bowls, vitamins, care and grooming products…

…parasite treatments…

…and treats!

And not only for dogs but also for cats…

…birds and other animals!

The visit of the pet shop was followed by a long walk with the dogs to the beach.

The third week of the summer camp started with a very hot day. Not all the children were there. Therefore the lesson was postponed…

…and the kids created fans…

…and placemats instead.

Beutiful creations were the result.

Afterwards they took the dogs for a walk…

…to the beach.

Also the dogs were panting and sweating that day.

On Tuesday Humane Education continued with lesson 4; the freedom to express normal behaviour.

The children were asked what dogs do when they have a chance to behave normally.

They had many ideas which they wrote down and then read out in class.

The teacher wrote everything on her blackboard…

…and that showed there: Dogs bark, dogs go for walks, dogs interact with one another. The children have understood that dogs are social beings that need to move and to have company!

Wednesday the fifth and last lecture of the 5 freedoms was taught: Freedom from fear and distress.

Again the children wrote down their ideas…

…and read them out afterwards.

First of all they had thought about what they are scared of themselves: Spiders, centipedes, cockroaches and public embarassment. Then they had thought about what might scare dogs: Snakes, loud noises,…

…bigger dogs and – surprise! - humans!

That means that the children are already aware of the fact that not everybody on the island is kind to animals.

Then the teachers started an experiment, showing the children with the help of soft bandages how much stress it means not to be able to move freely.

After trying to walk a short distance like this the children had an idea – like before with the cardboard box – how a dog must suffer being chained its whole life.

Thursday they went for a very long walk.

Of course they went to the sea…

…and into the water!

The dogs bathed…

…and cooled down.

They loved it!

Friday was a creative day.

The children learned how to sew small pillows…

…which they decorated with butterflies.

And they created a card: „Thank you to our donors“. The rest of the day they played with the dogs and took them for a walk.

The last week of the summer camp was a week of high lights and surprises.

On Monday the last lesson was held.

During the past weeks the children have learnt how to treat animals kindly. Today Jhanice Nelson spoke with them about the importance of spay neuter.

Christian’s mother is a vet who has already spayed and neutered for the VSPCA.


So Christian could tell the other kids already a lot about spaying females and neutering males.

Then Jhanice Nelson talked about overpopulation and sick and starving strays as consequence of lacking spay neuter.

These drawings show the children how fast uncontrolled reproduction leads to overpopulation.

A female dog has 2 litters per year with an average of 7 – 8 puppies that will be fertile with 5 months; a female cat may have litters up to 3 times a year with 4 – 6 babies. Therefore it is very important to spay neuter animals at an age of approximately 5 months.

The children had a lot questions, for example how spay neuter affects the animals‘ health and Jhanice explained that, besides unwanted reproduction, spay neuter can also help to prevent a number of diseases like the sticker sarcoma, a common tumour in the Caribbean passed on by a virus when dogs mate.

In the end every child had understood: One puppy is adorable but countless puppies are a problem.

On Tuesday Mr. Charles was supposed to come with his horse but it was thundering and raining until the afternoon.

The next day was bright and sunny and there they were, Mr. Charles and his beautiful horse!

First of all Mr. Charles talked to the children about the personality of horses, how to treat them and about his special relationship to his own horse. Then he asked every child to come forward to make contact with the horse, stroke it…

…and give it a kiss on the nose. For the children it was the first time they were so close to such a big animal. Afterwards all of them went for a ride along the beach…

…also Jhanice Nelson who is a great horse lover.

Quickly the children got over their initial shyness. They enjoyed the ride very much…

…and for all of them this remains a wonderful, unforgettable day!

On Thursday they made an excursion…

…to the WindBlow Valley Ranch of Wesley Mofford where a lot of animals lead a happy life in an environment appropriate to their species.

The rabbits thrilled them…

…especially these small ones that were only 3 weeks old.

Mr. Mofford took them on a tour and explained everything. He told them that the sheep come in from the pasture in the afternoon when he rings a little bell, each seeking its own pen , and how they use their automatic water dispenser by pushing a small yellow button with their noses to fill the bowl with fresh, cool water. Then he brought a small rabbit so that the children could stroke it. Afterwards he took them to the horses and donkeys.

On the way they met a lizard. Just as with the little rabbit the children showed a lot of tenderness and sensibility. During the summer camp they have learnt that all animals, not just dogs and cats, feel as they do themselves.

They have also learnt a lot from Mr. Charles‘ visit the day before…

…and are a lot more confident in dealing with the horses.

The summer camp ended on Friday with party at the VSPCA headquarters.

They had a lot of fun…

…and danced a lot.

Dressed up with a dog’s mask and in a Scooby Doo costume…

…the children played a role game and talked about how dogs feel treated by humans.

Saying Good bye was hard for everybody. The comments of the parents were very favorably and the children want to stay involved in the VSPCA. The summer camp was a great beginning of our partnership with the VSPCA in our most sustainable animal welfare project!

Starting 2025 we will send our vet Claudia Bretthauer to St. Vincent annually to spay neuter 300 animals and we will send volunteers to support Humane Education at schools and in communities.

News from St. Vincent (07/28 2024)

Mr. Charles and his horses…

They will be a major attraction during the summer camp in August. Mr. Charles 3 Mr. Charles is a true „horse whisperer“!


There is nothing he can’t do with his horses. They have total trust and confidence in him.

They are particularly suited to make friends with children.

During the summer camp children will have their first contact with such big animals.

Mr. Charles takes his horses often to the beach for a bath and a massage.

Afterwards they enjoy the sunshine together.


Mr. Charles‘ grandson knows already very well how to ride. Here he takes the horse through town to the beach. His grandfather who is supervising, is very proud of him! These two are a great example of the sustainability of humane education where one generation passes on the love for animals to the next!

We have also some good news concerning the implementation of the St. Vincent animal welfare law:

On 07/24/2024 One News SVG reports the conviction of a man who had injured a pig with a machete.

Man charged with Animal Cruelty in St. Vincent – One News SVG (

And: Sandals Resorts are opening a new hotel on St. Vincent and the Sandals foundation is supporting animal welfare as they do on many islands where Sandals has resorts. In May they sponsored spay neuter of 300 dogs and cats in the communities Owia, Sandy Bay and Georgetown. They will continue to partner with ´the VSPCA; you can find the beautiful resort Sandals Saint Vincent on our site Animal-friendly hotels.

But there are still a lot of suffering animals to be found on St. Vincent!

Here 2 dogs rescued by the VSPCA that are now waiting for a loving forever home:

Bravo was found totally emaciated.

Bravo today…

…a happy, content and well-fed dog!

Hero, found Christma Eve 2022 with a terrible wound caused by machete and nearly dead.

Nonody knew if he would survive when they carried him to VSPCA headquarters.

It was a long way from rescue to recovery!

Hero today, beaming with happiness!

Spay neuter alone is no solution against cruelty, it needs Humane Education to improve animals‘ lifes!

We thank our supporters! (07/14/2024)

Jhanice Nelson saw a totally devastated island…

…when she arrived on Tuesday on Union Island.

She had wanted to come already on Monday but there were no ferries transporting also cars.

The people here have lost everything This lady is sitting on what is left of her shop that was her existence before.

One of Jhanice’s helpers is finding puppies under the debris.

The animals are lacking not only food but also water.

Jhanice and her volunteers…

…bring food…


…and supplies ort he next few days.

The dog knows exactly that this donation is for him!

Slowly they work their way towards a small shelte, destroyed like all the other buildings. The dogs gather around the lady who runs it, hoping for help.

A few hours later Jhanice and her helpers must leave again. They still have Mayreau on the agenda that day.

They leave a flyer. On Wednesday, 07/17 they want to return with 2 vets to visit Ashton and Clifton, 2 particularly poor villages.

Despite all that our summer camp shall start as planned on August 5th! Also on St. Vincent some people have lost everything and the children are traumatized. They shall enjoy a holiday with animals and lots of fun for a whole month!

We thank all friends and supporters who have helped with their donations to make this dream come true!

Special thanks to the Swiss foundation Tierbotschafter CH and our American friends Paws Wide Open for the fast hurricane aid!

500 Euro are still missing to finance the summer camp on St. Vincent!

While we were still collecting donations hurricane Beryl hit the southern Caribbean and devastated Carriacou, parts of St. Vincent and the small Grenadines completely. View this CBC News report on YouTube.

That is what’s left of Gillian’s house, the animal welfare activist who works on Mayreau.

And that ist he church of Mayreau; only the wall with the cross is still standing.

817 people were evacuated on St. Vincent and had to leave their animals behind. The Swiss foundation Tierbotschafter CH sent 500 € for immediate aid to feed starving dogs and cats. 1600 people who had lost their homes came by ferries from the Grenadines the day after the hurricane. There was no water, no current, the hurricane has killed 2 people alone on St. Vincent. A nurse from the Red Cross asked Jhanice Nelson for help for the animals left behind on the Grenadines. Monday Jhanice will visit Union Island.

We have asked her if wes hall send the money already collected fort he summer camp but she said: No, the camp is happening! And she is right. Children who didn’t have a lot before and now may have even lost that deserve a few bright moments! Additionally they will learn to love animals!

St. Vincent

…our most sustainable project!

From the very beginnings the Association for Aid and Support of the Creole Dogs has had a concept that combines spay neuter and humane education for the utmost effectiveness of animal welfare work and a real improvement of the quality of animals‘ life. Up to now we could always realize only aspects of this concept in our projects; spay neuter in the Dominican Republic and on other islands and a school project on Barbados. On St. Vincent this is different!

Dr. Natalie Toney at work.

For the VSPCA – Vincentian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals the combination of spay neuter and humane education is a matter of course! We have the same goal concerning sustainable animal welfare that will lead to lasting changes. 2025 the Association for Aid and Support of the Creole Dogs celebrates its twentieth anniversary; a great occasion to partner up with the VSPCA! Our cooperation shall start already this summer with a summer camp for the children of St. Vincent in August; for children who won’t travel, whose parents will have to work also during school holidays and who will be happy knowing their kids are taken care off and are having a lot of fun.

Jhanice Nelson is the driving force at the VSPCA.

The president goes herself into the schools and teaches. All products and items future pet keepers should know she brings along.

During her lessons she focuses on the 5 freedoms every animal should be guaranteed: Freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom from pain, injury and disease, freedom to express normal behaviour and freedom from fear and distress.

And of course the importance of spay neuter is being explained, not only to control overpopulation but also its effects on animal behaviour.

The children are colouring a drawing showing a spayed/neutered cat which sits contently on its owner’s lap instead of roaming around getting into danger.

The little toy dog is a very important item in each lesson. The children practice with it how to handle dogs properly later on.

Also during the corona Humane Education continued.

When the schools closed Jhanice Nelson just turned the small VSPCA clinic into a classroom and continued teaching. Also a summercamp took place during that time, financed by Jhanice herself. She was not yet president of the VSPCA but the driving force behind Humane Education, still having to convince her own organization of the importance of this work.

Photos like these make the children understand that animals have feelings…

…such as friendship and love for one another.

Also puzzles belong to the teaching material.5 Jhanice creates them herself. There seems to be no limit to her imaginativeness and creativity.

After the lesson the practical part begins…

The puppies shall get bathed.

A bath will rid them of parasites.

The children learn how to lift, hold and bathe a dog.

Afterwards the puppy gets dried…

…and brushed.

And then they make ice pops from fruit juice.

When the pops are thoroughly frozen…

…every child receives one!

Now it’s time to prepare the dog food…

…and to feed the dogs.

The VSPCA has no big shelter and can only keep a few dogs, mostly puppies or very young ones and emergencies; a dozen at the most.18 The children participate in all tasks concerning the care of the animals…

…including taking the dogs for walks.

Supervised by the adults…

…they can now practice…

…what they have learnt with the help of a little toy dog.

That works already quite well…

…although sometimes the children find out that a puppy can be a lot more stubborn than a toy dog.

But with a little practice children and dogs become a great team.

All have arrived back home safe and sound. Not only the children, also the young dogs have learnt something. Leash training is an important part of their education making it easier to find forever homes for them.

What looks like baking cookies for Christmas……

…is actually the manufacturing of dog cookies.

Soon there is a sizeable amount…

While some are baking others work at creating a decorative packaging.

All they need are paper bags, crayons, glue and stickers.

The paper bags are coloured and decorated with stickers….

…while the cookies are waiting to be filled into the bags.

Soon the gifts are ready – gifts for the dogs of the summer campers!

The ones left over were sold and made a little bit of money for animal welfare.

Im April 21 the volcano Soufrière erupted.

The VSPCA helped starving animals all over the island.

They put up simple food dispensers…

…and filled them with dried dog food.

Of course children were participating in this mission.

At an early age already the take part in all activities of animal welfare as here feeding starving animals after a natural disaster.

The dogs knew immediately what these grey plastic pipes were meant for.

Also the cats suffered from hunger…

…and weren’t forgotten. .

The children fed animals tirelessly…

Driving back home they fell asleep immediately. These are the animal welfare activists of tomorrow!

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