Spay And Neuter Clinics 2012
Spay and Neuter clinic with Anja Hess
05/29 - 06/05/2012

May 29th Anja Hess flew to Puerto Plata, carrying with her the urgently needed suture material, a donation of the Henry Schein company (formerly Heiland), as well as further donations of Einhorn Inc (surgical gloves, syringes, needles, bandage material). A huge Thank you to both donators!
Christmas once again in the midst of summer!
The donations for the new washing machine had arrived with Dr. List and Dr. Bonin. It is already hard at work.

A big Thank you io its donators!
Without donations like these the work of the a.A.A.S. and our vets would be much harder and sometimes impossible.

Dr. Frank Alfano from Massachusetts and his wife Karen were also there, as many times before.
Anja Hess stayed at the hotel Tropix this time, not too far from the clinic. She liked it very much.
She spayed and neutered 41 animals, 30 bitches, 7 males, 1 queen and 3 toms.
Anja, here assisted by dr. Alfano's wife Karen….
…while Dr. Alfano is working away at the table opposite to them.
The A.A.A.S. team worked perfectly as usual.
Judy herself helped to prepare this young dog for surgery.

Patients awaiting surgery…
…in the recovery…
…and on their way home.
The incisions, Anja Hess and Dr. Alfano made, were so small that the animals' owners often wondered if their pets had been operated at all. The whole neighbourhood came running along to admire this miracle.
Five of the bitches came from El Tablon, a fishing village located in a beautiful bay.

"If we hadn't brought them now to be spayed, we would have been greeted there by about 35 puppies in the months to come." said Tanya Weppler-Whitehead who runs the A.A.A.S. community outreach program together with her husband Tom, supplying us with many beautiful photos as well. Thank you Tanya!

El Tablon is one of the great success stories of the A.A.A.S. community outreach program. A lot of dogs live here and the local fishermen have understood how important it is to have them spayed and neutered and to take care of their health.

The dogs have enough fish to feed on and are in good shape. All Tanya and Tom have to do is to drop off medication and parasite control once a month. They can rely on the fishermen to treat their dogs.

A small boat had brought them to the bay the first time: Fishermen had called them for help because a puppy had broken its leg. Now "Boody" greets them everytime excitedly, demanding to be the focus of attention.

Little Winnie was found close to El Tablon, dehydrated, weak and completely lost. She was taken to the clinic where she received infusions. She recovered within a week.
One patient, a young male, arrived with an enlarged penis. Besides several tumours, he had a wound, infested by screw worms. A fly had laid its eggs in the open wound and hundreds of these maggots had developped in a short time.
They feed on live flesh and caus big, very painful and awfully smelling holes. Dr. Alfano removed them one by one in a long, tiresome procedure. The wound was closed with a clip suture, and the young dog had nothing better to do the following night than to remove all the clips. Anja Hess had to re-operate him the next day. He has recovered well in the meantime.
A few days later a dog was found with a lump on its back the size of a grapefruit - screw worms! They ca enlarge a small wound to this size in a matter of days. Ivermectin is a good preventive, while Capstar is used for treatment in acute cases. It is quite expensive. We wil try to get some.
One little patient couldn't be helped anymore: A young male Chihuahua had gotten into a fight with much bigger male. Two weeks later, when it still couldn#t walk, nor control its urine or bowel movement, the dog was brought to the clinic. An x-ray taken at the hospital showed that its spine had been bitten clean through. It had to be euthanized.

This little dog has been hit by a car. Tanya found it in a Haitian settlement.

The people there are very poor. But they are till concerned about the homeless animals wandering in.

They were very happy when A.A.A.S. volunteers came to pick up their animals to be spayed and neutered and medically treated. In the future also the animals of this settlement will be taken care of by the A.A.A.S. community outreach program.

This little lady is called "Taxi girl" because she hangs out at a taxi stand. It took years to convince the owner to have her spayed. "It was like in the early days, where we had to go from house to house to beg people to let us neuter their animals." remembers Tanya.

This little cat was in the clinic already for the second time. The first time she came because her young owner was worried about a lump at her belly which turned out to be a hernia. She was operated and amused herself during recoverytime by harassing all passing dogs. Only in rare moments, when caught asleep, it was possible to take a photo. This time she was back to be spayed.

Her owner was very hapy when she was returned and examined her carefully to make sure that everything was all right with her.

Joey, the dog for which Dagmar Stech had to bring cast material, at the bar where he lives. The staff were very happy to see him back and the owner brought him a big piece of chicken. Of course also Joey is being monitored permanently by the community outreach program.
Anja Hess has promised to come back. "At least once a year!" We are already looking forward to the next time!
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Spay and Neuter clinic with Dr. List, Dr. Bonin and Dagmar Stech
04/29 - 05/18/2012
April 29th Dr. List and Dr. Bonin flew from Frankfurt to Puerto Plata, loaded with medical donations. In addition to drapes, suture, tubes, medication, parasite control and more they carried with them the money for the so desperately needed new washing machine for the clinic.
Dr. List and Dr. Bonin are happy to be back in the Dominican Republic.
"Dr. List's backpack, stuffed with donations, was almost as big as she was." remembers an A.A.A.S. volunteer.

During the first days Dr. List and Dr. Bonin had a lot of patients among the animals which live momentarily in the clinic and in the pet lodge; Joey, a dog with a broken leg, a bitch with a malignant tumor at the eye, another which had been amputated recently and several bitches ready to give birth at any moment, two of them Chihuahuas.
Quite often during this spay and neuter clinic the vets were to be obstetricians, not always with such a happy ending.
May 1st the A.A.A.S. volunteers took Dr. List and Dr. Bonin for an outing to the beach which everybody enjoyed very much.

May 4th Dagmar Stech arrived, carrying also huge amounts of donations - surgical gloves, syringes and dressing material - which she had collected a few days before from the German animal welfare association Einhorn e.V. whom we thank very much.

Shortly before Dagmar Stech left Germany, the A.A.A.S. had sent a call for help:"Can Dagmar bring cast material? We have a dog here with a broken leg and no more cast." Of course she could!
And so Joey's leg was reset and he got a beautiful new cast.
Several dogs had to be x-rayed; the bitch with the eye tumor which turned out to be inoperable (She had be euthanized later because she was in a lot of pain.), a Rottweiler, six years old with hip problems, and the Weimaraner of the A.A.A.S. volunteers Elaine and Rob, twelve years old, whose owners suspected prostrate problems. Since the A.A.A.S. clinic is not equipped with an x-ray machine the x-rays are taken in a human hospital.
The wheel chair in the hallway shows that the hospital's equipment isn't the newest.

The x-ray machine is old and there is only one lead rubber apron but the most remarkable, we find, is the fact that 'man's best friend' is helped here as a matter of course.
45 animals were spayed and neutered during these first days; 24 bitches, 8 males, 7 queens and 8 toms.

And the two Chihuahuas gave birth! One of them delivered her litter without any problems. She and her two puppies left the clinic a week later.
The gnomes on departure day
The second bitch had mated with a much bigger male and couldn't give birth normally.

A Cesarean was necessary to deliver the two puppies but they didn't want to breath.
Everything possible was tried to save them.

Mucus is being extracted from the puppies' mouth with the help of a syringe to make it easier for them to breathe.

Judy is trying a mouth-to-mouth respiration.
And with one of them she succeeds!
Unfortunately the second puppy didn't make it. The bitch recovered quickly.
Mother and child, exhausted but fine.
May 7th - 10th an exceptional spay and neuter clinic was held in a three-bedroom house in Sosúa Abajo:
It is the school house of the Sugar Kids school, founded by Deborah Conabree and run by teachers who work as volunteers. They teach mainly children of poor Haitian farmhands and laborers who didn't have any access to education before.
A glance at the blackboard, put up closely to the floor, shows: This is a primary school.
Everything is being prepared for the operative.
Soon the first patients arrive.
This candidate is a bit afraid of the scale…
…but soon the 'ordeal' is over, the data are taken down…
…and added to the patients' files.
During the field clinic school took place on the other side of the road.
Subject of these lessons: Love and proper care of animals.
A.A.A.S. volunteers visited the children with small gifts.
Their parents can't afford very often to buy presents for them.
During the lessons the children paint and sing a lot.
"We operated often accompanied by the melody of Frère Jaques" remembers Dagmar Stech.
Dr. Bonin, working with Dagmar Stech…
…and here with an A.A.A.S. volunteer.
Dr. List in action.
Dagmar Stech working highly concentrated.
The assistent had her hands full.
The recovery
During school breaks the children were glued to the windows to see what was happening in their school.
They were fascinated by the foreign doctors and could hardly turn their eyes.
Absorbedly they watched the activities in their school in every free moment during the three days of the clinic.
The A.A.A.S. want to thank the Sugar Kid School for this wonderful cooperation. The school is looking for ways to maintain itself. Recently they received an oven and now teachers and children want to bake and sell cookies and muffin. To be able to do this they need baking sheets, pastry boards, measuring cups, spoons, spatulas, whisks, flour, sugar, eggs, butter, milk, soda ect. The A.A.A.S. has posted a call for hekp and is collecting donations for the Sugar Kids at the clinic and in the A.A.A.S. thriftstore.
Also you can support the Sugar Kids if you like: Visit them on and help them with a donation via paypal or our donation account on creole dog.
A big Thank you to Julia Reichel, our first donator for the Sugar Kids!
The vets - Dr. List and Dr. Bonin being in the Dom. Rep. already for the second time - wanted to get to know the circumstances in which their patients live and accompanied the A.A.A.S. volunteers on their "dog collecting tours".

Everywhere they met dogs which came running along happily to greet the volunteers who supply them regularly with food and medication.
The dogs followed the truck they know so well.
Also when they were returning home, the vets accompanied their patients.
All of them were happy to get back home.
This resident of a Haitian settlement was very happy when his spayed cat was returned back to him.

A serious emergency occurred during the field clinic: One night a bitch was brought in which had had a puppy the day before but the rest of the litter wouldn't follow. Only a fast Cesarean could save her.
But then - the current broke down !!!
With the help of a handy flashlight preparations for the surgery were made; the instruments were sterilized, the bitch was pre-medicated, shaved and intubated. Finally a generator could be found and the light of two lamps made the surgery possible.
At the inside of the abdomen the surgeons found the womb with smelly contents: All puppies were dead!
The bitch could be saved, her firstborn died shortly afterwards.

This horror scenario is exactly the reason why we are trying to raise money for a new converter for the A.A.A.S. generator with the capacities to counteract these far too frequent current breakdowns. The converter costs 683 Euro / 900 US$. We hope that with the help of the friends of the Creole dogs we will be able to donate the A.A.A.S. a converter still in 2012.
80 animals were spayed and neutered during the operative in Abajo, 37 bitches, 34 males, 8 queens and 1 tom. A.A.A.S. members are very pleased about the growing willingness of Dominicans to get also their males neutered, because it shows a change of consciousness in this "macho" society. Only a few years ago owners of male dogs flatly refused to have them neutered.
As always there was also time to relax despite all the hard work.

Dr. List, Dr. Bonin and Dagmar Stech enjoyed the beaches together with A.A.A.S. volunteers…
…and the beach restaurants.
May 11th Dr. List and Dr. Bonin flew back to Frankfurt.
May 14th Dagmar Stech operated 9 dogs togeher with a Canadian vet who had already volunteered in January.
Also this little bitch was among the patients. She is presently living at Judy's Pet Lodge waiting to be adopted.
The same day Tom and Tanya,who run the Sosúa community outreach program for 700 animals, brought in one of their own dogs, a bitch which threw up and didn't eat. Afterwards Dagmar Stech visited a dog at its home to draw blood for an examination.
May 15th 4 bitches and 1 queen were spayed. The cat's womb was completely suppurated and full of dead kitten. The cat recovered within a day. The surgeries scheduled for the next day were canceled. Therefore animals staying in the clinic and at the pet lodge were treated…
…and Joey got once more a new cast.
A vet in love with her patients…
May 17th, one day before leaving, Dagmar Stech caught up on what she had missed May 1st:
 The beach…
 …and horseback riding!

Dagmar Stech loves horses, just like her colleague Nicola Schmidt, and couldn't resist the opportunity to discover a bit of the Dominican Republic from the saddle and to gallop along the beach.

On departure day there was a last visit to the hospital to take an x-ray of Tom's and Tanya's bitch whose condition hadn't improved. The x-ray showed nothing conspicuous but Dagmar Stech suspected a kidney problem and drew blood for an examination. Unfortunately she was right. In the meantime we have been informed that the bitch had to be euthanized.
After a farewell dinner time had come also for Dagmar Stech to get on the plane back to Germany.
We want to thank these three wonderful vets from the bottom of our hearts! And we are sure that they weren't there for the last time!
Television comes to the Creole dogs: Visit of Dr. Specht in the Dominican Republic
03/13 - 03/20/2012
When Dr. Specht, known as 'TV-vet' in Germany, told us in summer 2011 that he
would like to come to the Dominican Republic with a camera man of the German TV
channel SAT 1, we could hardly believe it. Television visiting the Creole dogs?
But the Cuban Dr. Specht, who also runs a mobile
practice in Hamburg, has good contacts to television and shortly afterwards we
received the call: 'Camera man Andreas G. of SAT 1 and I will be flying to the Dominican Republic in March'.
And really, March 13th they took the plane to Puerto Plata.
Approaching Puerto Plata
Arrival in 'POP'
First impressions of the life in the Dominican Republic…
Young fruit vendors near the hotel Tropix where Dr. Specht and Andreas G. stayed.
Money exchange in a busy street.
The motorcycle is one of the favorite means of transportation.
…and the beauty of the island.
It was planned to portray the whole range of the fantastic work the A.A.A.S. do in the Dominican Republic, spay and neuter clinics as well the work of the community outreach team in poor areas, providing food and treatment for strays and animals of poor families.
March 14th - 16th a field clinic was held in Marinata.

A.A.A.S. volunteers touring Marinata. Here they come across an old acquaintance: Diesel, the bitch which used to live between the Cabarete gas station and Dr. Bob's.

Three years ago she had vanished without a trace. She has made Marinata her home and is obviously doing well.
The surroundings of Marinata are very rural.
Also the host, who had offered his house for the clinic,has a small farm.
As usual, the whole equipment was brought from the A.A.A.S. clinic in Sosúa to Marinata.
The camera man takes a first look at the site…
…and tries first shots.

The A.A.A.S. had hung up posters everywhere, advertising time and place of the field clinic. In a hurry we had designed the flyer for the Association for Aid and Support of the Creole dogs which Judy had asked for…
Verein zur Hilfe und Förderung
des kreolischen Hundes e.V.
Association for Aid and Support
of the Creole dogs
Asociación para la ayuda y el apoyo
de los criollos perros
…and so our logo, the small Creole dog, was to be seen everywhere as well.

People came in crowds to see the vet with whom they could talk about the problems of their animals in their mother tongue.
The porch of the house served as check-in, waiting room and recovery.
Inside everybody is very busy, as usual during a field clinic.
Cold sterilisation was used for the instruments this time instead of the autoclav because of the frequent current break downs.
Patients are being prepared for surgery…
…shaved and intubated…
…and are placed on the tables of Dr. Specht…

…and surgeon Dr. Sue Harvey, who is staying in the Dominican republic for several months.
The camera man…
…is always present.
In the recovery…
…animals are monitored with great care.Â
The cats of the house…
The little red tom was neutered during the clinic.
Many puppies were brought for vaccinations and de-wormers.

Chihuahuas are the favorite dogs of many Dominicans. Small and with little appetites, they are the perfect dogs for crowded homes and tight budgets.
As always, a lot of children came with their pets.
A little girl gave her balloon to volunteer Kelli as agift to thank for the treatment of her dog.
Kelli was very moved:'It was probably the only thing the girl owned!'
The children got along right away with the Spanish speaking doctor.

The Cuban doctor fits in well in the Dominican Republic. It takes a second look at the imprint of his T-shirt to know that he is a doctor from the far away Germany.

Raul arrived with his dog at the clinic when the list for spay and neuter was already full. Since his dog was a male, faster and easier to operate than a bitch, he was asked to stay in case one could sqeeze him in.

He turned out to be a great help, showing pet owners how to hold their animals, helping to get nervous, scared animals out of and inte cages and opening mouths which didn't want to swallow de-wormers... Do we see here a future A.A.A.S. volunteer?
Needless to say that his dog was neutered that day!
33 animals in total were spayed and neutered in Marinata by Dr. Sue Harvey and Dr. Specht: 20 bitches, 8 males, 3 queens, 2 toms. Average age: 2.9 years.
The first morning, before the clinic opened, the A.A.A.S. volunteers found a special gift in front of the door.

After a first check-up the puppies were taken to Sosúa where they await adoption:
At the same time a successful adoption took place! Peyton , Preston and Pixie found their families.

They went to their new homes with food, bowls leashes and collars and will be taken care of by the A.A.A.S. community outreach program for the rest of their life.

Dr. Specht would like to return for a vaccination program because outside of Sosúa there are still a lot of dogs in bad health.
Rabies, distemper and parvovirus are much more frequent than in Germany…
…just as mange and other skin diseases.
Also they need a future.
The report about the A.A.A.S. was broadcasted in several episodes in the SAT 1 morning show. You can find links to these episodes on News.
Spay and Neuter clinic
with Dr. Susanne Vogler
03/04 - 12/04/2012
Talking to Dr. Vogler for the first time, I realized immediately that she is an exceptional surgeon. We talked about a spay and neuter project for hotel cats on Jamaica and Dr. Vogler said: 'All right, I'll bring my neuter board along ( a board where cats are hung up for surgery side by side like sausages, an uncanny sight but very effective!) and I can do about 15 cats in the morning.' I knew right away that we had found one of those rare surgeons who can do a great job all alone without assistence, few means and in the most basic conditions, simply made for the Caribbean! We considered ourselves blessed!
Due to organisational problems in Jamaica it is not possible to run effective clinics there right now - Don't worry, cat lovers, a cat project is still in the back of our mind! - and Dr. Vogler flew therefore to Puerto Plata on March 4th.
Great excitement and happiness about all the medical presents Dr. Vogler had brought along!
The A.A.A.S. supplies must surely have shrunk considerably during the big World Vets clinic.
Judy had planned about 9 surgeries per day (exact statistics to follow) considering that her volunteers, most of them having to work for a living as well as donating time to the A.A.A.S., had already the big World Vet clinic in February behind them and two more clinics ahead of them in March. Most of them won't see the beach until April, by then preparing already for three clinics in May!

Thinking about our own humble beginnings and the A.A.A.S.' dire need for vets in spring 2008, half a year after the clinic's construction had been finished, we feel deep gratefulness towards all the wonderful vets who have followed our call!
Dr. Vogler was surprised that not more OP's had been scheduled.
Judy said: ' Dr. Vogler could have easily operated twice as many animals. She has to come back for a field clinic!'
Inbetween the surgeries Dr. Vogler took the time to answer people's questions who had come to have their animals treated for various health problems.
Dr. Vogler's first patient on March 5th was a kryptorchid, a male with an interior testicle. No problem for the experienced surgeon.
Judy raved: 'Dr. Vogler's surgery is outstanding, every cut, every suture is absolutely perfect! The animals recover fast and can return home the same day.'
Also other patients with difficult conditions - a torn womb, a deep, old neck injury, not adequately treated by a local vet - were no challenge to Dr. Vogler.
With Marina and Francine she had two German-speaking volunteers, and they had lots to talk about in their native tongue.
In the check in area there are also cages to keep the dogs safely before surgery.
Preparations for the surgery
The patient is given a pre-med…
…it is shaved…
and closely monitored during recovery.
This young lady waiting to be spayed has hit it really lucky: She was adopted by the owner of a steak house after she had walked into the restaurant begging for food. The owner decided that she was far to young to walk the streets on her own. Well, enjoy your future meals!
Many people, who brought their animals to Dr. Vogler, had been waiting already patiently at the World Vets clinic and had to be refused in the end because there were just too many patients, like these two…
Names and addresses of the pet owners had been taken down and they were notified immediately when Dr. Vogler arrived.
There are also always cats among the patients.
Dr. Vogler stayed in the nearby appartement of 'WG', Judy's German boyfriend, and could use a bycicle to go back and forth from the clinic or explore the surroundings.
After surgeries she accompanied Marina who took the dogs back to their owners, poor families living in the 'campo'.
Now it was Dr. Vogler's turn to admire the work of the A.A.A.S.: 'Every animal monitored by the A.A.A.S. Team is exactly documented, with the dates for the next de-wormer, parasite treatment and vaccination. It is simply fantastic!' Especially when one considers that the A.A.A.S. community outreach program takes care of more than 700 animals by now!
It takes a while to recognize that animals can be happy and healthy also in such surroundings…
…like Suzie…
…and Negrita…
…who love to go for truck rides with their owner…
…provided they and their families are helped by the A.A.A.S.
A witness:' In 5 years since we arrived, the difference is huge!! Healthy dogs, better educated owners, less puppies, and yep dogs just hanging with people!!! The effort put in by AAASÂ have made a big impact for these animals…. '
The last day a pug was brought in to be neutered. For the dog it was the second try. The first time the vet had stopped the surgery because the pug stopped breathing. Judy did the anaesthesia and Dr. Vogler operated fast and expertly - the dog showed no signs of having any trouble . During the whole time of its recovery phase the loud pug-snore could be heard everywhere…
The last patient came on Saturday though there were no more surgeries scheduled for this day: Lassie, a bitch with a sticker sarcoma. Lassie is a beach dog of about 8 years which is taken care of by a Dominican family. She has had a litter of 10 puppies recently. For 9 of them places could be found. Now the family could be talked into having her spayed.
Lassie was spayed, the tumour was cut out electrically and she received a chemotherapeutical treatment with vynchristine which will have to be repeated in a week  because the tumour is malignant.
34 animals were operated in total: 19 bitches, 9 males, 4 queens, 2 toms. Average age: 1.9 years.
Farewell lunch at the Kiosko beach bar
'You say Good bye … we say hello!'
Dr. Vogler's first comment after returning:
'It was wonderful!'
She promised to come back in February/March 2013.
And we have taken another big step towards our goal to win as many excellent surgeons as possible who are willing to donate their vacations once a year to Caribbean animal welfare!
Spay and Neuter Clinic with Riccarda Schünemann and Sabine Pohl
02/09 to 02/27/2012 in Cafemba, Puerto Plata and Sosúa Abajo
During the first days Riccarda Schünemann and Sabine Pohl worked in Cafemba, Puerto Plata, for the 10 Protectora de Animales de Puerto Plata,
"Amigos de 4 Patas".
"Amigos de 4 Patas" is a very young organisation, which the A.A.A.S. is trying to help.
Carolina Beltran-Torres from Columbia, who moved to Puerto Plata 3 years ago, founded the association because she was distressed by the misery of Puerto Plata's strays.
Riccarda Schünemann and Sabine Pohl were the first foreign vets who came to the Amigos de 4 Patas.
The check-in
The patients…
Carolina had announced that the clinic was reserved for strays, asking pet keepers for understanding and telling people to bring in the stray dogs of their neighbourhood.
In Puerto Plata animal protection and welfare is at its beginnings; a lot of things are still lacking.
Examinations and treatments took place on newspaper, printer's ink is well-known for its desinfective properties.
There were no clippers. The dogs had to be shaved with disposable razors, a tremendously time-taking task.
There were no drapes. The second day a volunteer brought cloths instead.
There was no diazepam for the anaesthesia, only ketamin and azepromazin effecting a short and not very deep anaesthesia during which the dogs constantly twitched - normalfor a Dominican vet and very disturbing for the German vets. Luckily some xylazin could be obtained. The dogs slept now quietly during the operation and for about an hour afterwards - which worried the volunteers used to dogs waking up again right after surgery.
Puerto Plata is still lacking a community outreach program like the one in Sosúa, where strays are monitored and regularly treated against parasites. The dogs were so infested that fleas jumped at times directly underneath the scalpel of the surgeon. Actually Riccarda Schünemann and Sabine Pohl should have worked on 2 tables side by side but the second table turned out to be only half as high which brings back memories of our first clinic in Jamaica where our vet Heike Müller worked the whole time at a table only 90 cm high.
Despite all difficulties the animals were treated expertly.
The volunteers of the Amigos de 4 Patas did their utmost to help but they don't have the medical knowledge of the A.A.A.S.' trained team.
Carolina found this dog in the street. Most likely it had been hit by a car, its hip-joint was dislocated.
This bitch was in heat, her uterus was brittle and one ovary tore off, there was a lot of blood…
"In Germany we would have used a suction machine." remembers Riccarda Schünemann. Here gauze had to do. But all went well. One look at her teats shows that she had had her last litter not too long ago. It was about time to break the vicious circle of death and "rebirth" into misery.
On the way to the "recovery"
Everywhere peacefully sleeping dogs…
…and volunteers who are deeply concerned because the dogs don't wake up right away, as after a surgery performed by a Dominican vet.
A big Thanks to Harold, in whose home the clinic was held.
We got an email fromthe Amigos de 4 Patas, thanking our association Aid and Support for the Creole dogs and the German vets Riccarda Schünemann and Sabine Pohl:
"Thanks so much to to Aide for Creole Dogs for sending us Dr’s Riccarda and Sabine. They had quite an experience here working in the small
town of Cafemba,Puerto Plata DR on Feb 21-22. They were not quite expecting to work in such a place and I am sure this opportunity gave them a
new perspective on working in third world countries. You just never know what may happen.
Following the two days in the village they joined with another group who was also working in the area and together over 150 dogs/cats were
sterilized vaccinated, 200+ treated for parasite and 30 or so treated for other medical problems.
We thank them for donating their time and expertise hope they will visit us again in the future.
Thanks to all."
And we, we have the utmost respect for the way in which these two young vets managed this difficult task! Like the Amigos de 4 Patas, also we would consider ourselves happy to continue working with them.
During the second half of the week Riccarda Schünemann and Sabine Pohl worked with the vets of the American organisation World Vets which has been sponsoring medical supplies to the A.A.A.S. for some time. The organisation engages itself worldwide in spay and neuter projects, veterinary training programs and desaster management. In February a team of 14 people, 6 surgeons, veterinary technicians and volunteers, came to hold a 3-day spay and neuter clinic in Sosúa.
A tour bus took the team from the airport to their hotel.
The clinic was held in Sosúa Abajo.
A lot of people came.
Riccarda Schünemann and Sabine Pohl helped with the pre-examinations…
…inside last preparations for a spay and neuter marathon took place.
Then the vets put on their masks and got down to serious business.
Riccarda Schünemann and Sabine Pohl at the World Vets clinic
150 animals were spayed and neutered, 200 were treated against parasites and vaccined, and 30 were treated against diseases.