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Journeys to the Dominican Republic

My Journey To The Dominican Republic

(03/31 – 04/14/2016)


1. Tourism and Animal welfare in Punta Cana

As already my first visit in the Dominican Republic in 2012 also my second journey served the purpose to meet our partners with whom we work together for years already as well as new ones and to plan new projects and just like the first trip also this one will have a great influence on our work in the years to come. (to continue click here)

2. Meeting with Peace Corps

Already in February when our team was still operating in the southwest where Peace Corps volunteers had done a brilliant job to organize the campaign, Peace Corps director Adele Williams and I had wanted to meet during my visit to discuss future operatives and also because we had promised spay & neuter aid for the Cat Lovers RD, the animal welfare organization ardent cat lover Adele is a member of in Santo Domingo… (to continue click here)

3. Spay and neuter operative in Samaná (part 1)

In the afternoon on April 3rd I arrived on the Malecón of Santa Barbara di Samaná, this busy Avenida directly at the Bay of Samaná… (to continue click here)

4. Spay and neuter operative in Samaná (part 2)

he first ones the next morning are the boys with their males Black and Duki. They don’ttake their eyes of their dogs during surgery… (to continue click here)

5. Spay and neuter operative in Samaná (part 3)

The day starts with an emergency. While Anna gets ready to neuter Sadan, the Rottweiler with the Sticker sarcoma, Julia is spaying Chihuahua Blanquita. She stops breathing right away and needs oxygen! (to continue click here)

6. The Carribean dream…

The Caribbean was never a paradise. Arawak and Caribe Indians fought here against each other even before Christopher Columbus arrived. Then the Europeans came and brought slavery. They disappeared again when Europe discovered beet sugar and the Caribbean sugar industry collapsed leaving behind them an impoverished, underdeveloped and traumatized people of former slaves. The trauma of colonial days is present everywhere in the Caribbean up to this day.(to continue click here)